Our name is:

Techniker Krankenkasse

Sign Language: Infor­ma­tion about TK

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We are also called TK.
We are a statutory health insurance fund.
Many people are insured with us.
That means: They pay money to TK.
The money is called contribution.

For this, TK pays for example:

  • the costs for visits to doctors 
  • your treatment
  • your medication.
  • The law determines what TK pays.

Becoming a member

You can become a member with us.
Then you are insured with us.

For example, these people can become members with us:

  • You are in an apprenticeship.
  • You are studying.
  • You are working in a job.
  • You have your own company.
  • You are a pensioner.

Your children, spouse or civil partner (pursuant to the German Lebens-Partnerschafts-Gesetz) can also be insured with TK.
This is called non-contributory dependants' insurance.
If you do not earn your own money,
you do not need to pay any extra contribution.

Managing board

Many people work at TK.
There is a management.
The management is called managing board.
The managing board is paid for its work.
This is called fulltime work.

Supervisory board

A group of TK members elects the supervisery board.The group does not get money for its work.
This is called working in an honorary capacity.

30 people work in the group.
These people are insured persons and employers.
They are called supervisory board.

For example, the supervisory board decides
what is done with the contributions.
TK is careful with the money.

The supervisory board is elected every 6 years.
From the TK members.

This is paid by TK

TK pays for many services, so you stay healthy.
And so you can recover again.

For example:

  • Check-ups before you become sick.
  • These are called screening examinations.
  • If you are sick and your doctor examines or treats you.
  • If you have to go to hospital.
  • If you have to relearn something because you were sick.
  • For example, learning to walk.
  • Or if you need convalescence.
  • This is called rehabilitation.
  • And many more.

Personal contribution

There are costs which you have to pay yourself.
This is called own contribution.
It is written in the law.

For Example:
You pay a part of the costs yourself for some medication.

Visit to the doctor

You can choose the doctor.
The doctor has to have a contract with the statutory health insurance fund.


If you need surgery, you are often allowed to go home immediately after.
You no longer have to stay in hospital for several days.
You receive further information about this at our customer service centres.

Other assistance

You may need other assistance.
This is decided by your doctor.

For example:

  • glasses,
  • physiotherapy,
  • medical insoles for your shoes
  • or other aids.

For this purpose, TK has contracts with many partners.
You can choose the partner,
if we have a contract with the partner.

Visit to the dentist

You can choose the dentist.
The dentist has to have a contract with TK.

You can go to the dentist before your teeth become decayed.
This is called screening.
You can go to screening twice every year.

The dentist writes into a booklet that you have been in for screening.
The booklet is called bonus booklet.

If your teeth have holes, a dentist can repair them.
This is called tooth filling.

Costs for the dentist

When you go to the dentist, it costs money.
TK and the dentist have a contract.
It states which costs are paid by TK when the dentist treats you.

If the dentist is supposed to do something else, then you have to pay for it yourself.
You have to talk to the doctor before the treatment.
And you have to write it down together with the doctor.
You receive further information about this at our customer service centres.

If your gums are sick

If your gums are sick, the dentist can also treat them.
Sick gums are called periodontitis.
For this, you have to make an application.

Making an application

The doctor writes a plan together with you.
TK has to approve the plan.
This is why the doctor sends the plan to TK.

If TK agrees with the plan, the dentist can treat your gums.
Then, TK pays the costs.
You receive further information about this at our customer service centres.

Dentures and dental caps

If your tooth was extracted, you may need dentures.
This costs a lot of money.
TK can pay a part of the money.
You have to make an application so TK can pay money.

Making an application

This is how you make an application:

  • Your dentist examines your teeth.
  • He writes a plan. The plan is called treatment plan and cost estimate.
  • You give the treatment plan and cost estimate to TK together with your bonus booklet.
  • If you have visited the dentist regularly for screening, you do not have to pay as much yourself.

Then, TK can decide how much money it will pay.
You receive further information about this at our customer service centres.

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