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What is health insurance and why do I need it?

Health insurance is mandatory in Germany. This ensures that everyone gets the care they need if they fall ill. However, you have the freedom to choose your health insurance provider.  As an employee, your employer will register you with your chosen provider when you start work. Your employer also calculates the amounts payable for health, long-term care, pension and unemployment insurance. Furthermore, it deducts the employee’s contribution from your salary, adds it to the employer's contribution and makes the payment.

Good to know: Around 90% of German residents have public health insurance.

In Germany, there is a distinction between statutory and private health insurance. If you earn up to 73,800 per year, you can only choose public health insurance. If you earn more than 73,800 per year, you can choose between public or private health insurance. 

Insured like 11 million people in Germany - welcome to TK:

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Benefits of public health insurance

More details on what your health insurance with TK cover.


There for you!

Do you have questions regarding your health insurance? Our TK-ServiceTeam is on hand to help you at +49 40 - 46 06 62 53 00.



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Services and benefits

Being a TK member comes with many benefits. To get the most as an insuree, it's helpful to know what exactly you can expect from us.

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You're ill? Getting medical care

Doctors are the first point of contact when it comes to your health. Learn here how to navigate German healthcare here.

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Basic information

Are you new in Germany or planning to move here soon? Either way, you have no doubt got lots of questions.