In Germany, you require insurance cover at the latest when you take up employment or become self-employed. This applies to all types of employment and self-employment.

More details

As a student, you require insurance cover for the following types of employment:

  • Marginal employment (with a maximum income of 556 EUR per month).
  • Temporary employment (employment is limited to a maximum of 3 months or 70 working days).
  • Employment as a working student (the employment contract must be limited to a maximum of 20 hours per week).
  • A paid internship.

Please inform us if you take up paid employment or a self-employed activity. We will then determine the options for your further insurance cover.

Further details

If you are obliged to complete an internship as part of your studies, this has no impact on your current insurance. Exception: you are insured free of charge as a non-contributory dependant and your regular total income exceeds 535 EUR (in the case of a minijob 556 EUR) per month. In this case, you are no longer insured as a dependant and must take out your own health insurance. We are also happy to assist you here.