TK Europe Service
With the TK eHealth card, you are not only entitled to the best medical and hospital treatment in Germany, your eHealth card gives you optimal cover in almost all European countries as well. There are also special agreements with some non-European countries that ensure you have access to the best possible care there, too.
Many features of the TK-App are now also available in English. With this app, you can, for example, submit your sick notes, do something for your fitness while collecting bonus points, or upload your receipts for reimbursement.
Low student rates
As a student you do not have to pay anything for health and long-term care insurance if you are covered by your parents’, spouse’s or civil partner’s non-contributory dependants’ insurance. Otherwise you pay the lowest student rate, e.g. students under the age of 23 or with children pay a monthly contribution of 126,71 EUR.