For example, barriers can arise if texts for the description of graphics are missing, if colour combinations offer insufficient contrast, if websites are structured vague or if websites cannot be navigated with the keyboard.

In order to avoid such barriers and allow disabled people access, the TK Internet offer was established under consideration of the ordinance to create barrier-free information technology according to the German Disability Discrimination Act [(Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz (BGG)] (German Ordinance on Barrier-free Information Technology (BITV 2.0)).

TK provides some texts also in a simpler language. Short sentences with just one statement and descriptive examples assist people with a disability to comprehend the contents. Simple language helps to reduce barriers in the Internet.

In addition, some texts also have videos in German sign language for deaf and hearing-impaired people.

Enlargement of display

You can enlarge the pages with the aid of your browser. Hold down the Ctrl key and press + to enlarge and the Ctrl key and - to reduce the pages. With Ctrl 0, you return to the original size.