Yes. If you need a bite splint (occlusal splint), your dentist will bill us the costs directly using your TK eHealth card.

More details

The most common causes include tooth grinding and clenching. Here the teeth in the upper and lower jaw are constantly ground or pressed against each other. This often leads to headaches and muscle tension in the neck. If this persists, the supporting structure of the teeth can become severely damaged and the chewing surfaces badly eroded. It can even lead to diseases of the jaw. Moreover, crowns and bridges may suffer damage and excessive wear and tear as a result of the constant stress in these areas.

In most cases, your dentist will offer you a relaxation splint to prevent potential damage. A distinction is made between splints worn for

  • just a few weeks
  • a few months up to two years
  • and permanently, i.e. for several years

Your dentist will decide when you need a new splint

Splints worn for many years are subject to wear and tear. Take your splint with you to your next dental appointment and your dentist will decide whether a new splint is medically necessary.

Additional services you pay for yourself

You may be offered splints or treatments such as functional analysis or functional therapy for which you have to pay the (additional) costs. We are not permitted to reimburse the cost of these. If necessary, ask your dentist about treatments for which no additional payments are required.

A few types of splint that are not covered by statutory health insurance

  • Aqualizer (relaxation splints filled with water)
  • Bleaching splints
  • Fluoride splints
  • Indicator splints
  • Jig splints (occlusal splints for the front teeth)
  • Splints containing medication
  • RelaxBogen (external head device to prevent tooth grinding and clenching)
  • Mouth guards for sports
  • Splints created using a 3D printer