We can subsidise glasses if the visual defect in one eye is more than six dioptres, if you have a visual defect of more than four dioptres due to astigmatism, or if you are severely visually impaired, i.e. you have no more than 30 per cent vision in your better eye despite wearing glasses or contact lenses.

More details

For cost reimbursement:

  1. Go to the doctor and have them refer you to an eye specialist.
  2. You can then take the prescription to an optician. They will bill us directly for the amount we cover.
  3. The amount still outstanding for the lenses and frame will then be billed to you along with your statutory contribution. 


  • If your vision deteriorates by at least 0.5 dioptres, you can make another claim. 
  • You will be required to visit an ophthalmologist to make sure you have no other eye diseases.