Whether and how much of the costs of a specific medication or dressing are covered by TK depends on a variety of factors.  You will usually have to make a co-payment.

More details

Our cost contribution depends on factors such as:

  • whether the medication or dressing is prescription-only or available over the counter
  • whether there is a fixed amount for the medication or dressing. Fixed amounts are only available for medicines that you can get in the same or similar quality as the more expensive preparations. For the most part these are generics: low-priced medicines with tried-and-tested active ingredients which are no longer protected by a patent.

Prescription-only medication

If your medication is only available on prescription and your doctor has issued a statutory health insurance covered prescription on a pink slip, we will contribute to the costs. You are usually required to make a co-payment.
If there is no fixed amount for the medication, we will bear the costs in full. If there is a fixed amount, we will pay the costs up to this amount - in both cases less the respective co-payment. Depending on the difference between the fixed amount and the sales price, you may have to pay these additional costs as well as your co-payment.

If you are 18 years old or older, you have to pay 10 per cent of the pharmacy dispensing price. You pay a minimum of 5 EUR and a maximum of 10 EUR, but never more than the cost of the medication itself.

Over-the-counter medication

If your medication is available over the counter, e.g. with a blue prescription, TK is not permitted to cover any of the costs. Most important exception: for children under twelve and adolescents under 18 who have developmental disorders, TK will pay the costs of over-the-counter medication if a prescription is issued on a pink slip.