You can use your TK eHealth card in most European countries. You will find your European Health Insurance Card - EHIC for short - on the back of your TK eHealth card. In most cases, doctors in European countries can use the EHIC to bill us directly. Take a look at our list of foreign contries where the EHIC is valid to find out whether this also applies at your destination.

More details

This is what the European Health Insurance Card looks like:

Vorder- und Rückseite der TK-Gesundheitskarte mit integrierter Europäischer Krankenversicherungskarte (EHIC).
Auf der Rückseite Ihrer TK-Gesundheitskarte befindet sich die Europäische Krankenversicherungskarte (EHIC).

Your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is located on the back of your TK eHealth card.

You will need private travel medical insurance in virtually every country outside Europe because TK is unable to cover any medical expenses incurred there.

However, private cover is also recommended when travelling to other European countries. This is because statutory health insurance funds are not permitted to pay for certain services such as return transport to Germany.

The travel health insurance plans offered by TK's cooperation partner Envivas provide excellent insurance cover. Here's to Envivas' offers:

Envivas products - exclusively for TK members