You can call the TK-TravelMediCall number either before travelling or if you fall ill abroad. 

Preparing to travel

We offer expert tips on a range of topics, including:

  • Which vaccinations are necessary or expedient?
  • What preparations are necessary in terms of climate, food and insects?
  • What do you need to consider if pregnant or travelling with young children?
  • What risks are involved when hiking or scuba diving?
  • What should you take in your travel first-aid kit?
  • What kind of medical care is available at your destination?

If you fall ill when away

The TK-TravelMediCall offers the following services:

  • Assistance in finding the nearest German- or English-speaking doctor or hospital.
  • Our TK-TravelMediCall doctors can assist in multiple foreign languages in the event of communication problems.
  • At your request, the doctors will contact your family doctor and will convey information between the relevant doctors.
  • At your request, the doctors will notify your family, for example if you have to go to hospital.
  • If necessary, they will ring back the doctors abroad.