As a compulsorily insured student, you pay a standard contribution (applies throughout Germany) based on the maintenance need (requirement rate) defined by the BAföG [German Federal Education and Training Assistance Act] - regardless of whether or not you receive BAföG assistance yourself. 

More details

Health insurance for students in Germany

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Monthly contributions for students with statutory insurance cover - valid until 30.09.2024
Breakdown of the monthly contributionHealth insurance*Long-term care insuranceTotal amount
up to 23 years without child92,73 EUR27,61 EUR120,34 EUR

from 23 years of age without child

92,73 EUR

32,48 EUR

125,21 EUR
with at least 1 child

92,73 EUR

27,61  EUR

120,34 EUR
with 2 children under 25 years

92,73 EUR

25,58 EUR118,31 EUR
with 3 children under 25 years

92,73 EUR

23,55 EUR116,28 EUR
with 4 children under 25 years92,73 EUR21,52 EUR114,25  EUR
with at least 5 children under 25 years

 92,73 EUR

19,49 EUR112,22 EUR

* Statutory contribution for students made up of 82.99 EUR plus the TK-specific supplementary contribution rate of 9.74 EUR.

Monthly contributions for students with statutory insurance cover - valid from 01.10.2024
Breakdown of the monthly contributionHealth insurance*Long-term care insurance**Total amount
up to 23 years without child

 97,64  EUR

29,07 EUR

126,71 EUR

from 23 years of age without child

 97,64  EUR

34,20  EUR

131,84  EUR
with at least 1 child

 97,64  EUR

29,07  EUR

126,71 EUR
with 2 children under 25 years

 97,64  EUR

26,93  EUR

124,57  EUR
with 3 children under 25 years

 97,64  EUR

24,80  EUR

122,44  EUR
with 4 children under 25 years

 97,64  EUR

22,66 EUR

120,30   EUR
with at least 5 children under 25 years

 97,64  EUR

20,52 EUR

118,16  EUR

* Statutory contribution for students made up of 87,38  EUR plus the TK-specific supplementary contribution rate of 10,26 EUR.

** How much do I have to pay for long-term care insurance

When you reach the age of 30

We can only extend the insurance beyond your 30th birthday under certain circumstances.

When your student insurance expires, you will need to pay the regular contributions for voluntarily insured persons. The amount is based on your income. If you have no income you pay the minimum contribution:

Monthly contributions for voluntarily insured students

Voluntarily insured students

Health insurance*Long-term care insurance

up to 23 years without child

179,11 EUR

40,06 EUR

from 23 years of age without child

179,11 EUR

47,13 EUR

with at least 1 child

179,11 EUR

40,06 EUR

with 2 children under 25 years

179,11 EUR

37,12 EUR

with 3 children under 25 years

179,11 EUR

34,17 EUR

with 4 children under 25 years

179,11 EUR

31,23 EUR

with at least 5 children under 25 years

179,11 EUR

28,28 EUR

* includes the TK-specific supplementary contribution rate of 13,58 EUR

To calculate your contributions individually, we will be happy to send you an application - just contact us to request one. You can reach our TK-ServiceTeam by phone at +49 40 - 46 06 62 53 00 (24 hours a day, 365 days a year). 

Pay contributions monthly using direct debit

The easiest and convenient way is to set up a Direct Debit Mandate with us. We will then debit your contribution from your bank account every month. Otherwise, you have to pay the entire semester contribution in advance. 

Reasons for extending the student health insurance

Under certain conditions, we can extend the student health insurance.

Reasons for extending the insurance past the qualifying age limit:

  • illness
  • disability
  • birth of a child
  • providing care for a disabled or sick relative
  • member of a committee or council pf a higher education institution
  • non-admission to a study programme
  • basic military service or alternative community service
  • voluntary social year
  • second chance and further education
  • Bundesfreiwilligendienst (BFD) [German state voluntary service programme]
  • comparable approved voluntary service (e.g. Internationaler Jugendfreiwilligendienst (IJFD) [International Youth Volunteer Service]
  • attendance of a Studienkolleg [preparatory college] as a mandatory requirement for admission to a study programme
  • registration with a preparatory language course as a mandatory prerequisite for admission to a study programme