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Information personalised for you
TK would like to provide you with personalised information. This will actively help you to stay or become fit and healthy and also enable you to get the maximum out of your insurance cover. With this in mind, we have changed our data protection policy for the protected area of "Meine TK". Please note that the data protection policy and "Meine TK" are currently only available in German.
Changes to the "Meine TK" data protection policy
A new Section "Personalisierte Informationen" [Personalised information] has been added to the data protection policy for the protected area of "Meine TK". These changes came into force on 20 March 2024.
TK is committed to meeting its statutory duty to inform and provide clarification digitally both today and in the future. That is why, we would like to provide you with personalised information and recommendations on relevant offers available to you via the TK-App and our password-protected online area "Meine TK". This includes suitable prevention, consultation and care offerings such as details on health check-ups, the TK-FamilyMediCall hotline and the TK-Bonus-Program. We will also provide you with personalised information, for example, on the status of service and benefit applications and your insurance cover.
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Good to know
The aim is not to overload you with information and recommendations. Instead, we are committed to offering information of great relevance to you and to highlighting important matters relating to your health or your insurance cover at the right time. The amount of personalised information can vary greatly.
Important information for all TK customers who received personalised information during the testing phase: You do not have to do anything if you wish to continue using our personalised service. Your settings will be automatically saved and will remain valid. If you withdrew your consent to personalisation in the past, please select these settings again.